Brain Dump



Updated at: 10 Feb 2019 01:52:37


Static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. Internally, it builds a dependency graph that maps every module in project needs and generates one or more bundles.

Write modules that can run in the browser

WebPack Ideas

Use javascript parser(babylon) to parse javascript code into an AST. Traverse AST to find the modules that a given module depends on, assign given module a unique value. This abstraction of dependencies is an ‘asset’.

Combining these assets will allow us to form a dependency graph.

This dependency graph can be used to write a new require function: one that finds the right module to “require” from.g

Core Concepts

  1. Entry
  2. Output
  3. Loaders
  4. Plugins
  5. Mode
  6. Browser Compatibility

ECMAScript modules vs CommonJS modules


Indicates the start point to build the internal dependency graph from.


Where to emit bundles (default: ./dist/main.js for main output file and ./dist for any other generated file)


Webpack only understands javascript/json. Hence, loaders are needed to process other types of files and convert them into valid modules that can be consumed by application.

Sample Code

module.exports = { modern }